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These general terms and conditions govern the registration on the Site and the use of the same by the Customer.
1. Definitions
Accordion.The terms indicated below, when used with a capital letter in the following, will have the following meanings, it being understood that singular terms include plurals and vice versa:
"Account"means the Customer's personal profile on the Site (referred to as "my account");
"Customer"means the natural person who browses the Site and uses the Services, whether or not registered;
"Kuvera": the company Kuvera S.p.a., c.f. e p. IVA 07563710636, REA number 633338, with registered office in Piazza dei Martiri n. 30, 80100 – Naples (NA) and operational headquarters in Interporto Lotto C, A19 – A20 – A2, 80035 – Nola (NA), address P.E.C.,manufacturer of the Products and owner of the domain name of the Site and the Carpisa brand, as well as of any other distinctive sign contained on the Site;
"Parties":Kuvera and the Customer jointly, as parties to the contract;
"Products":movable property - such as leather goods and travel items, accessories, etc. branded Carpisa - displayed and sold at retail on the Site;
"Services":the services described in Article 6.1 that the Customer can use on the Site;
"Site": the e-commerce site
2. Duration and withdrawal
The contract has an indefinite duration, without prejudice to the Customer's right to withdraw at any time, by writing to Kuvera at, which, in the event that the Customer is registered, will cancel the Account.
3. How to register and access the Site
3.1. The Customer, to register on the Site, having read the Privacy Policy pursuant to art. 13 of Reg. (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"):a) must enter your e-mail address;b) must enter the code received to confirm the e-mail, which constitutes an OTP (ie, one time password);c) must click on "confirm", accepting these general conditions of contract;d) once authenticated, you can, within the Account, create your password and provide additional personal data (name and surname, address, etc.) that will integrate your profile, also for the purpose of purchasing the Products.3.2. Once registered, the Customer can authenticate himself by entering his credentials (consisting of the e-mail address and password referred to in letter d) of the previous paragraph) or use the method referred to in letters a) and b) of the previous paragraph.3.3. Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles. 5.2, 5.3 and 5.5., the Customer can recover his password by following the instructions on the Site during authentication (by clicking on the link "I forgot my password"). The Customer can change his password by clicking on the appropriate link in his Account.
4. Guarantee and Declaration Of the Client
4.1. The Customer declares to register in his own name and not on behalf of third parties and, therefore, to be the subject to whom the data - entered as part of the registration or during the integration of the Account, or in any case during the use of the Services - refer and not to have already previously registered (the Customer can not activate on the Site more than one user connected to the e-mail address referred to in Article 3).4.2. It is understood that if the Customer does not comply with one or more of the conditions indicated in the previous paragraph and / or provides false, not current, incomplete personal data, based on the discretionary assessment of Kuvera, the latter reserves the right to prevent the Customer from accessing the Site, deactivating and / or deleting the Account, without prejudice to kuvera's right to resort to any further remedy provided for by law.
5. Obligations of the Client
5.1 The Customer undertakes to keep the data entered in the Account updated.5.2 The credentials referred to in art. 3 may not be transferred to third parties. The Customer is obliged to keep them with the utmost diligence and to keep them confidential in order to prevent use by unauthorized third parties.5.3 For security reasons, the Customer is required to choose a password that is not easy to identify and to change it periodically.5.4 The Customer will be responsible for any use of the credentials, made by authorized or unauthorized third parties, as well as any damage caused to Kuvera and / or third parties, depending on the failure to comply with the above, committing from now on to indemnify and hold Kuvera harmless from any and all claims, including for damages, deriving, directly or indirectly, from the aforementioned use or abuse.5.5 The Customer undertakes to promptly notify Kuvera in the event that he becomes aware of unauthorized access to the Account (or has the opportunity to suspect that the credentials have been stolen) or known anomalies in the systems of the Site.
6. Services
6.1 The Customer, by registering on the Site, may:
purchase the Products, subject to acceptance of the relative general conditions of sale;
keep track of your orders for Products;
pre-register payment methods for placing orders for Products;
create cd. "wishlist".
6.2 It is also understood that the Customer who browses the Site, even without having previously registered, can view the Products and purchase them, as better governed by the relative general conditions of sale, purchase gift cards, subscribe to the newsletter or request information or technical support from Kuvera through the "chat" function or by writing to the e-mail address
7. Availability of services
7.1 The Customer acknowledges that the Site, except as required by law, is made available by Kuvera and accepted by the Customer in the state in which it is located (as it is" and "as available").7.2 The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Site and therefore the use of the Services may be subject to suspension or interruption, in whole or in part, for reasons beyond any control by Kuvera - such as, but not limited to, slowing down, congestion and / or overloading of the system, the internet access network, telephone lines and computers that manage telematic traffic; tampering or unlawful interventions by third parties on the Site, malfunction / incorrect configuration of the connection equipment used by the tampering or interventions on such equipment, carried out by the latter or by third parties; incorrect use of the Site by the Customer; exceptional events, force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances - without this entailing any liability on the part of Kuvera, nor that the Customer is due anything for any reason.7.3 The Customer acknowledges that the services referred to in art. 6 may be suspended - even without notice, if necessary - in order to guarantee both corrective maintenance interventions aimed at remedying failures, defects, defects, malfunctions to one or more elements of the infrastructure or to correct errors of the Site (eg bugs), and those of evolutionary maintenance, aimed at improving its operation and usability, adding new functions and features, adapt it to the regulatory evolution and the reference context (update), as well as in case of emergencies or threats related to security.7.4 Without prejudice to the above, Kuvera will in any case take care to restore the functionality of the Site in the shortest possible time, to minimize the risk of inconvenience of any kind.7.5 It is understood that Kuvera does not assume any commitment with respect to the availability and speed in responding to the Customer's requests for technical support.
8. Customer Liability and Limitations of Liability of Kuvera
8.1 The Customer acknowledges that he will be held responsible for all activities on the Site attributable to him, including those carried out with his credentials pursuant to art. 3.2, within the limits permitted by law.8.2 In case of violation of the obligations referred to in Articles. 4, 5 and 9, the Customer will remain solely responsible, with express indemnity against Kuvera or the rights holders, in relation to any claim made by third parties due to the aforementioned violation.8.3 It is understood that, in the hypothesis referred to in the previous paragraph, Kuvera may undertake, at its own discretion and without prior notice, any action it deems necessary or even appropriate to protect its interests, including blocking access to the Account, without prejudice to the right to terminate the contract as provided for by art. 10 and/or to claim compensation for the damages suffered.8.4 Kuvera declines all responsibility, to the fullest extent permitted by law and with the sole exclusion of cases attributable to willful misconduct or gross negligence of the same, for any and all damages, direct or indirect, that the Customer suffers as a result of or in connection with the use of the Site and the Services.
9. Intellectual and industrial property rights
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that: a) all intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the Site and the contents, logos, trademarks and any distinctive sign (hereinafter, "Material") published therein are owned by Kuvera; b) it is only allowed to browse the Site, view the Material and use the Services, being prohibited reproduction and / or reuse, in whole or in part, in any form, of the Site and the Material, without the express written consent of Kuvera, also through links (eg framing or in line linking), without prejudice to the provisions of art. 5 with regard to cd. "data mining";c) the failure of Kuvera to exercise the right to act or any form of tolerance of the same in relation to any conduct contrary to this article, as well as the law on intellectual and industrial property, do not represent a waiver to act to protect the position of Kuvera itself.
10. Express termination clause
Kuvera reserves the right to terminate the contract pursuant to art. 1456 of .c., by simple written communication to the Customer, if the latter defaults with respect to even one of the obligations provided for in Articles. 4, 5 and 9, letter .b).
11. Privacy
Kuvera processes the Customer's personal data as Data Controller in compliance with the legislation on privacy, including the GDPR and the d. lgs. 196/2003, and in accordance with what is indicated in the Privacy Policy pursuant to art. 13 of the GDPR and the privacy policy of the Site, as well as any other detailed information document, possibly published on the Site, relating to a specific treatment (eg newsletter).
12. Provision of legal documentation
These general conditions of contract, as well as the Privacy Policy, can always be consulted through the footer of the Site and downloadable in PDF format, as well as being made available to the Customer at the time of registration pursuant to art. 3 and in the Account. The legal documentation is drawn up in all the languages of the countries where there is a translated version of the Site.